
The first story I wrote was barely 200 words, about a travelling duo of an immortal knight seeking to die and a terminally ill peasant trying to live. I had been reading the Farseer trilogy and admired Hobb’s ability to make me feel so much. I realized a part of it was the contradiction; an illegitimate princeling.

To this day, I’m fascinated by contradictions and pockets of time where rules, both imagined or primal, cease to matter. When I write, it is an attempt to catch even a shadow of emotion I feel, that we feel, within pages.

My stories now are a lot more elaborate but always with the same reckless sincerity. I write about selfish rebellions, imperfect people, and the split second differences between what you should do and what you do. I’m interested in narratives of tenderness but with a dogged determination to see the world without rose colored glasses. If you read my work, I hope you have fun. And I hope we share the same breadth of feeling.


Rukman Ragas (they/he)

Rukman Ragas is made up of earnest contradictions and temporary obsessions. A Tamil writer of speculative fiction from Sri Lanka, they are fascinated by tender horrors, hysterical resistance, and the thin lines of disgust and desire.

Rukman’s short stories, exploring language, colonialism, narratives and queerness, have appeared in venues such as khoreo, Tasavvur, and The Baltimore Review. When not wrangling his novel into shape, he can be found consuming an unhealthy amount of historical media or playing DnD.

Rukman is represented by Keir Alekseii of Azantian Literary Agency. You can visit his website for general queries or a complete list of his publications.

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